Monday, 13 February 2017

Runners and Writers

It’s been a while since my last update, probably the longest gap since I started writing this blog. In truth not a lot has happened. My voice is still shagged, but I don’t feel ill. I’m still pretty tired, but I don’t feel ill. My weight is still too low, but I don’t feel ill. Guess I must be ok then.

Anyone who’s read this blog in the past will know I’ve been trying to raise funds for my treatment via the hashtag #Shoulder2Shoulder. The book raised about £1,000 which wasn’t too bad, but as my treatment is currently running at something like £15,000 and counting I’m a long way short of paying my way. This is where the influence of Redingensians Rams comes to the rescues yet again. A fair few of you will know Steve Poole. He’s the current groundsman at the club and an all-round solid chap! If he says that the pitches aren’t playable then he’s right, 100% of the time. He wants to see the kids playing rugby, but knows too well when the damage they’d do would be catastrophic. He’s also slightly unhinged, in the nicest possible way. In September he decided to take a holiday and cycle from John O’Groats to Land’s End, as you do! It was whilst he was on his one and only rest day on the ride that he sat down and read #Shoulder2Shoulder. The next day he called me up, “Paul, we can raise a load of money on the back of this, lets meet up when I’m back.”

Well, a while later we met up and discussed the possibilities of fundraising specifically for the Berkshire Cancer Centre. Steve, along with six others had entered the Reading Half Marathon in March 2017, they weren’t running to raise funds, until now……….

So, on 19th March Steve, Kath, Olly and Zoe Poole, along with Sophie Courtier, Ben Alderon and the one and only Stevie “Scuba” Bryant will stand on the starting line, wearing #Shoulder2Shoulder running vests and will set off raising money for a charity so close to my heart over the last 14 months or so. To say I’m overwhelmed by this act of selfless kindness is an understatement. But, this is just the beginning. Steve is someone who’s total enthusiasm has to be seen to be believed. Over the next year we’ve agreed that Steve and I will work at raising as much funds as possible. Steve’s skills as a coach, motivator, inspiration and general scary bloke will be used to encourage others from the rugby club and wider community to get out and do something for the good of others, the other 1 in 2 who will suffer directly or indirectly from cancer during their lives. I’ll be the bloke banging away on Social Media promoting the events, I’ll also be the photographer as I think doing an Iron Man may well kill me before cancer does!

We’ve set up a Just Giving team page to help us in this process. It’s called “Team #Shoulder2Shoulder” and the link is here - any funds you can spare would be really appreciated, any shares would also go down well. The target of £15,000 is what’s called a “Stretched Target”, but you may as well aim high.

As always, thanks for reading.

To be continued………………. Now there’s a bloody good reason!


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