Sunday, 17 December 2017

An Anniversary Message to Cancer

17th December 2017

Dear Cancer,

It’s two years ago this evening that you first entered my life in any meaningful manner. It was today in 2015 that I had my initial biopsy that would show you were having a sneaky little bite at my neck, and not in a seductive manner either. We know now that the biopsy didn’t go too well in more ways than one, but 24 months later I’m still here and I’m alive and kicking. 

You’re still managing to kill people on a daily basis. 

Every day 900 new people are given the awful news that you’re inside them. 

Every day people commit to fight you with every breath left in their bodies. 

Every day the Medical professions around the world get closer and closer to a cure for your evil little games. 

You may win the battle, but you won’t win the war. I think we’ve had this conversation before, but it’s worth reminding you every so often that you’ve no chance, me old mucker!

No doubt we’ll be speaking again soon. Have a crappy festive season, hopefully you’ve very few left before you’re gone for good.

Yours Faithfully.

Paul Clark – 55 Years old and still going strong, no thanks to you.

1 comment:

  1. I have read your article about cancer patients.Very helpful information i found more information of cancer patients.keep it up
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