Friday 25 March 2016

Hunched foetal in the corner of my soul,
my fingernails are bleeding from climbing up the wall.

Morphine Required –
Saturday – 17.5ml (All explained below!)
Sunday –  None J
Monday – Nil
Tuesday – Non
Wednesday – Nein
Thursday – Nope
Friday – ‘Course Not

Week 10

Saturday 19th > Sunday 20th

Well that didn’t go well did it? I went up to OBR early on Saturday with the intention of getting some great shots of what was going to be a tough but crucial game for Rams. By 2.30pm I was in the back of an ambulance being taken to RBH A&E, much against my wishes after my last experience of a Saturday in the hospital. This is becoming a bit of a habit. 3 times since I’ve started treatment I’ve ended up in A&E & on all 3 times it’s been on a Saturday. I can’t thank enough the friends at OBR who looked after me as I was taken ill. I’d hoped that no one would ever see me in the lowest ebb but I should have known that a good friend can look at you when you’re at your lowest & in extreme pain without judging you. Luckily this time the hospital sorted me out quickly, albeit painfully & I was on my way home relatively quickly for a Saturday afternoon. My idea of getting rid of Morphine went totally out of the window with two big hits required to manage pain levels. The situation was further compounded by Carol being up in Lincoln picking up Anna from Uni, again, this is where your friends step in. A good friend came to the hospital with me from OBR to make sure I wasn’t alone & another old friend got Max to the hospital too. He came equipped with my iPod, Kindle, phone charger & protein drinks, fully expecting me to be kept in overnight J  

It’s good to have Anna home for the Easter holiday, & hopefully I’ll be on my feet for most of it. It turns out that the match at OBR was a tight affair. Rams took an early 26-0 lead only for Southend to get back to 26-21 at FT, I think my heart may have been at risk if I’d stayed, but 5 points gained & a step nearer safety for the season. 

An evening spent on the sofa watching England secure their first Grand Slam for 13 years was just what the Dr. ordered, albeit giving away far too many penalties!

Sunday was a pretty quiet day as to be expected. We went up to OBR as a family for the first time in god knows how long, mainly to pick up my car. The comments from just about all I saw ring true, it’s “Take it easy & don’t overdo it”, seems my friends know me too well J What was going to be a quick in & out of the club turned out to be a bit longer as I watched the U16s match & a bit expensive as errant daughter decided she also wants to come to the End of Season Ball with her current squeeze, so that’s £300 I’ve spent on tickets! I trust they’re going to pay for their own booze on the night as I won’t be drinking! 

An afternoon nap & early dinner led nicely into an early night to bed after watching the latest James Bond, Spectre. I thought it was a tad formulaic of just about every Bond film I’ve seen. I’ve a few scheduled appointments in the coming week, but it’ll depend heavily on how I feel as to whether I attend or not, I’m not risking my health again. Thursday’s appointment with Scary Spice is the only one I’ll attend come hell or high water.

Monday 21st > Friday 25th

As we had a busy weekend Carol didn’t get time to do the weekly shop, so as Anna is home for the holidays we volunteered to do it ourselves. Big mistake…… Now ok, we had a basic list, but I’m pretty sure prime sirloin steak, cod loin & whole gammons weren’t on the list. Never mind, I suppose you only live once. I spent the afternoon making a lasagne which I managed to eat for this evening. Not a surprise you may say, however that’s a real step forward for me. It included seasoning, tomato’s, two types of cheese & chorizo sausage, I haven’t had any of these for about 2 months now, but none of them really had an adverse effect on my throat, mind you, I couldn’t really taste them much either, but baby steps forward. I was due to be going to a Playing Committee Meeting at OBR this evening, but I’ve sent my apologies as I’m not feeling 100% today, & I’m feeling pretty tired in the evenings.

No idea what happened on Monday night, but sleep just didn’t want to play ball. I was awake until about 1am, then again at 3am & 5am, not great. I was close to taking some morphine to help with sleep, but thought that probably defeats the object of trying to get myself off the stuff. Waking at 8am & turning the radio on to the news coming out of Brussels. In a different life I used Brussels airport at least monthly, sometimes more. I remember well the departure halls, a superb upstairs bar was a great place to people watch. I really feel for anyone caught up in the dreadful actions of a minority of people – Fugazi

Another fairly long call with Jo this afternoon. She wasn’t too concerned about the stomach problems as having been injected with a load of crap over the last couple of months my gut isn’t used to having food stuck into it. Given a couple of weeks it should settle down again. She was pleased to hear that my voice had improved, unlike hers which she’d lost last week, sounded pretty croaky still today J Also pleased that I’m able to eat most foods without discomfort in my throat. She is however concerned that my weight is probably still dropping. Her solution is to supplement my diet with Ensure drinks, even if I’m eating 3 decent meals a day. As I’m looking like an extra from Schindlers List at the moment I think I’ll follow her advice. She seems to think that the lack of morphine will be having an adverse effect on my sleeping habits, but has suggested I keep up with the idea of abstaining unless I’m in pain. I may take paracetamol before bed as by then my throat is usually feeling a bit tender from the day’s excess’s.

I spent a while reading through the blog from Day 1 this afternoon, just to see what my thoughts & fears were back in December. I wish I could have followed through with all the plans I had then, specifically the ones relating to eating, perhaps that would have made things easier as far as recovery goes. It was quite interesting to see how upbeat I was & how many jokes (ok, my version of jokes) I made in the early days. It seems a while since I’ve managed to inject any humour into my writing.
Another awful night’s sleep, I ended up coming downstairs at 1am & watched an episode of Breaking Bad, much to the disgust of the cat who was asleep on the sofa! A meeting in Henley on Wednesday morning was a pleasant change to routine, hopefully the new Rams website will be online sooner rather than later, just a bit of tidying up to do on it.

I’m really going to have to do something about my weight, I’ve gone from 89kg when I started RT & Chemo down to 72kg now, in old money that’s going from 14 stone down to just over 11 stone in the space of 10 weeks, not healthy at all. I’m sure somewhere in the house, probably in Max’s bedroom, there is a set of weights, I’ll see if I can find them & try to put some bulk back on by exercise, as well as eating as much as I can.

For various reasons there was no trip to OBR on Wednesday evening, no training or matches this weekend either. I may go up on Thursday evening to watch the Titans take on local rivals Reading RFC in a friendly match, it’ll depend on how I feel after seeing Scary Spice in the afternoon. To be honest I’m getting a bit nervous about this appointment. I’m not really sure what to expect, other than I know they won’t be sticking anything down my throat at this juncture. I guess it’s just a catch up to see how I’m getting on with the road to recovery & to make sure I’ve not being over doing things, god I hope she hasn’t read this blog otherwise I’m in deep doodoo J I know that I’m not due to get my final result for another two months or so, but I can’t help wondering what the results will be. I’m obviously hoping to get the all clear, but what if the cancer hasn’t been beaten? What will the next course of action be? Will there be any point in having more treatment?

Now to lighten the mood a tad, I saw a video on FB earlier this week from a band called The Disturbed covering Sound of Silence, this is the live version I found on YouTube, wow, just wow - 

As we’re all in this evening for dinner for the first time this week I thought I’d be creative. Spanish Cod Loin A La Clark – a made up concoction & here’s the recipe.

Prep time about 15 minutes, cooking time about 30 minutes.
This doesn’t need too much seasoning as the pimento & chorizo have pepper in them & the cod loin has salt J
Cod loin cut into bite sized pieces. (Will work with any meaty flesh fish)
Chorizo cut into pieces.
Pimento peppers, roughly chopped.
Onion & garlic, roughly chopped.
White wine.
Tin of tomatoes.
Waxy Potatoes cut into bite small pieces.
Parsley, roughly chopped.
Par boil cut potatoes for 5 mins in lightly salted water, drain.
In a large frying pan fry the chopped chorizo for about 2 minutes until the oil runs, remove from the pan.
Add onion, garlic & pimento’s & fry gently for 2 – 3 minutes until soft.
Add a large glug of white wine & allow to bubble down to roughly half the volume.
Add tinned chopped tomatoes plus one tin of water, simmer down on a low heat for about 20 minutes until the sauce is at a decent thickness.
Meanwhile in a wok heat sunflower oil until very hot, add the drained potatoes & stir fry / toss until beginning to brown, probably about 10 minutes.
Add chunks of cod loin to the tomato sauce, do not stir or the cod will break up, heat for about 7 – 8 minutes, shaking pan every couple of minutes.
Add the cooked chorizo & parsley to the potatoes & give them a good shake.
When the fish is translucent serve with the potatoes & a decent bottle of red wine (Or if you’re teetotal a bottle of coke!)

Enjoy, we did J

Yet another awful night’s sleep, up 3 times.
Anna & I went into Pangbourne in the morning, coffee & cakes, followed by a visit to our favourite restaurant, Nino’s to book a table for a week on Friday to celebrate Anna’s 21st birthday. Both children are bringing their current squeezes, this could be an expensive evening I think, but at least I’ll be able to eat his wonderful food!

The afternoon was spent at RBH for my first check up with Scary Spice since my treatment finished. I managed the first hurdle quite well by being able to find a car park space, albeit on the top level which would have knock on effects later in the day. The first person I saw when I got to the ENT Dept was Julia (Sports Direct Mum). I’m afraid to say that she looked awful. A brief chat confirmed that she’s been finding things very difficult & had had to resort to a feeding tube, not great, but at least she was having that removed today. Maybe I’ve got away lightly? A 40 minute delay in seeing Scary Spice, but it was worth the wait. Overall the feedback was very positive. She was totally disgusted with the treatment I received when I was admitted to Hunter Ward a few weeks back, but sadly she wasn’t surprised. It transpires that whilst cancer is fairly common, Neck & Head cancer isn’t. Most GPs wouldn’t have a clue about the specific issues relating to the form of cancer I’m being treated for. In the end we decided it was water under the bridge, so let’s move on. The issue with my weight will be resolved over time, she’s a bit concerned but seems to think that I’ll gain weight slowly but surely. She was astounded that I’m already back eating “normal” food so quickly, & that I’ve kicked morphine into touch already. There’s no reason why I shouldn’t go back to my pre-treatment diet, albeit taking it easy on things like chillies to start with. As I’m still not really tasting too much of what I’m eating I think I’ll just continue with the current diet of decent food which will help me gain weight. She’s suggested that I start exercising as from next week, so the weights I repossessed from Max last night will be put to use, as will his mountain bike. Again, I need to take things easy & not overdo things. I’ll still be having up’s & down’s & I’ll still be incredibly tired doing just the simplest of tasks. She’s suggested that I look to go back to work at the beginning of May, in a phased return, I’ll be discussing this with my boss at a scheduled meeting next week. She’s also advised that as of the end of April, if I so wish, I should be able to drink alcohol again, watch this space as to whether I do or not, the Jury is out at the moment. As far as she’s concerned I’m in her words “Well ahead of the game” which is just brilliant to hear, especially as I was feeling so low again yesterday. I’m still going to have good days & bad days, but I hope the good ones will start to outweigh the bad ones from here on in. The next step will be to see her again at the end of April when she’ll stick a camera down my throat to see what’s there & then it’ll be a scan, probably a month later to ascertain if the cancer has buggered off or not.  I’m not sure if the weekly calls with CNS Jo will continue or not as she wasn’t in the meeting today. The visit ended with total chaos in the RBH car park, it took me 45 minutes to get from the top floor to the exit, no idea if that’s normal at 5pm or not, but it was bloody annoying!

I didn’t bother going up to OBR in the evening, it was chucking it down & to be honest I was feeling a tad tired & emotional J

Finally for today, our new passports have arrived, so tomorrow I’ll be contacting Ioanna in Corfu for dates in early June & looking at flights.

Friday was a strange day. Carol, Anna & Max left the house early to drive up to Wales to see my mother. If you’ve read the blog from the start you’ll know that my mother is now in a Nursing Home in deepest darkest Wales. The news this week hasn’t been great & it may well be that she hasn’t much longer left on this mortal coil. I was advised not to travel due to the risk of picking up an infection which would put my recovery back. Now this may sound heartless, however my mother doesn’t know what day of the week it is, let alone be able to recognise me. If she hangs on for a few more weeks I’ll get up there to say goodbye to her in my own way.

I thought it was about time my mask got a permanent home, rather than sitting on the back of the sofa. So it’s now hanging, pride of place, in my office. When I’m back at work I’ll be able to look up at it & remind myself that however crap my day has been, it’s not as bad as having cancer. 

I spent the morning working on some bits & pieces for the new Rams website, a bit more to do over the weekend, but getting close to launch now. Oh, & then I booked our holiday J
11 nights in Arillas from 10th June, just what we both need. A chance to relax & enjoy each others company. All this done whilst blasting tunes out of the iPod can’t beat a bit of Aerosmith whilst working. I’ve also been surfing Halfords & Decathlon looking at either Hybrid or Road bikes, I’ve looked at Max’s bike but it’s not really suitable for me. Any advice would be gratefully received.

I’ve no idea what the weekend holds for us, but it won’t be a visit to RBH A&E Dept. The forecast is pretty pants so it may be a case of hunkering down with films on the TV, perhaps The Great Escape J

Thanks for reading.
To be continued…………………….


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